30 October 2024
After hosting the world’s bears and many other sexy creatures in Athens during the last three years for "Bearly Athens: a bear week extravaganza," we have taken the difficult decision to indefinitely suspend the festival due to sponsorship and staffing issues.
We would like to thank all the performers, artists, attendees, venues and organisations that supported us, and shared the Bearly Athens vision with us. We remain one single community and we shall fondly reminisce all the moments of queer joy that we shared together! We hope and dream that we may, sometime in the future, return.
Thank you for 3 years of BEARLY good times. This is truly an UNBEARABLE farewell.
With love,
Matt + Nikolas
Δευτέρα - 29.07.2024 - Monday
* Αποκλειστική εκδήλωση για κάτοχους Bearly Pass
* Exclusive Event for Bearly Pass holders
** Εκδήλωση ανοιχτή για τους κάτοχους Bearly Pass και για το ευρύ κοινό (δεν απαιτείται εισιτήριο)
** Event open to Bearly Pass holders and to the General Public (no ticket required)
*** Εκδήλωση ανοικτή σε κάτοχους Bearly Pass και σε αγοραστές μεμονωμένων εισιτηρίων εκδήλωσης (τα μεμονωμένα εισιτήρια αρχίζουν να πωλούνται στις αρχές Ιουλίου 2024 έως ότου συμπληρωθεί η χωρητικότητα της εκδήλωσης)
*** Event open to Bearly Pass holders and to purchasers of Individual Event Tickets (Individual Tickets will go on sale in early July 2024 until event capacity is reached).
11 πμ - 5 μμ
11 am - 5 pm
Έκθεση Queer Τέχνης και Βωβή Δημοπρασία Τέχνης**
Queer Art Show and Silent Auction**
Bearly Marketplace**
Art Curator: Vassilia Kaga @cyber_daddi
The Project Gallery
3 Normanou Street, Monastiraki, Athens, 105 55, Greece
11 πμ - 7 μμ
11 am - 7 pm
Bearly Athens Χαμός στην Παραλία*
Bearly Athens Beach Blast*
Meeting Point: Lobby - Wyndham Grand Athens Hotel
2 Meg. Alexandrou Street, Athens 104 37, Greece
9 μμ - 2 πμ
9 pm - 2 am
Bearly Βραδιά Χορού a la Ελληνικά***
It's All Bearly Greek To Me Dance***
A Man To Pet
Dee Jay Flame
En Aithria Athens
13 Astiggos Street, Athens 105 55, Greece